Sunday, November 26, 2006

Heyo peeps.

it's the end of week 14 here already. tomorrow, week 15 starts. and i really don't wanna study anymore. a bit hysterical from all the mugging.. and i remembered that i promised more spiderman pics. so.. just for laughs. yongchang, can't u tell how much we all lurve you? *hee hee*

btw, week 14 wasn't thaaaaat bad. some went for sashimi lunch buffet on monday. some also went for dimsum brunch buffet on wed. eve has the sashimi lunch buffet pics. for the dimsum brunch, i didn't go so i ain't sure as to who has the pics. =)
spiderman and mary jane 1

spiderman and mary jane 2 (mary jane 2 also thinks that spiderman is cute. not tobey maguire. not peter parker. but yc the spiderman. looks like there's hope for yc after all.. or not..)
a blur jumping spiderman. too fast for us to capture him properly.
spidey unmasked
bday girl and spidey while david looks on

*cough cough cough cough cough*



If you feel lost and on your own
And far from home
You're never alone, you know
Just think of your friends
The ones who care
They all will be waiting there
With love to share
And your heart will lead you to where you belong
Your heart will lead you home
"Your Heart Will Lead You Home" - Kenny Loggins

CFers-overseas (summer of 2007)

Jer Loo (St Gallens)
Eve Bay (St Gallens)
Mabel (St Gallens)
Daryl (St Gallens)
Claressa (Shanghai)
Eugene Thiang (Virginia)


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none as of now...

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