Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Welcome Reception 2006

30 Aug. It's week 2 of the new term after Vivace. SMUCF embarks on another journey..

to welcome the new blood in SMUCF

Yongchang led us in a time of songs to remind each other of the blessings that we've received.. that grace that we're so undeserving of. after which, James took centerstage and gave a short talk.

Looking at Mark 2:1-17, we were reminded truly of our priorities. just as Jesus recognized his. it wasn't to perform miracles. it wasn't to cast demons or heal sickness. it was to preach the gospel. it was to preach the good news of reconciliation with God, our Father. He came to tend to those who needed Him... which was basically all of us. we had to recognize our position... that we were desolute sinners who were helpless. and He took that place on the cross.

Application for us? How much does that grade matter? So what if i get a B in place of the A that i want? it's not gonna matter to God. But if i teach that God is sufficient during bible study and then not go out with group for a quick dinner just because i need to study for a test that is next week, i'm not walking the talk.

my priority becomes me and my grade that fades into nothingness when i die. where's God in my life then? something that i teach every bible study and not respond to? A clear resounding reminder to the people. it's very real as a student in SMU. we're Christian students... (christians who happen to be students), not student Christians. we have a responsibility to perform in school. but we have a greater responsibility to our Lord.

after the talk, we proceeded for refreshments provided by the welcome reception committee. small talk was made as the CF mingled, ate and chatted. time well-spent. =) let's pray for the term that it will be a fruitful one for the CF!

for photos, go here and click on the welcome recep 2006 link



If you feel lost and on your own
And far from home
You're never alone, you know
Just think of your friends
The ones who care
They all will be waiting there
With love to share
And your heart will lead you to where you belong
Your heart will lead you home
"Your Heart Will Lead You Home" - Kenny Loggins

CFers-overseas (summer of 2007)

Jer Loo (St Gallens)
Eve Bay (St Gallens)
Mabel (St Gallens)
Daryl (St Gallens)
Claressa (Shanghai)
Eugene Thiang (Virginia)


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