Wednesday, August 09, 2006

This blog is created specially for the CFers who have taken a term out to go for exchange. a simple place to be updated on the many events that we have..

the fun gatherings..
the dinners..
the lunches..
the suppers..
the expeditions.. (durian, JB.. whatever we will think of..)
the camps..

basically, all the stuff that you, our dear COEs (CFer-On-Exchange) are missing out on! no worries, as long as you have us showing you how much fun we're having, rest assure that we're constantly wishing you were here.

From the creator of this blog,
Your dearest Xiujun



If you feel lost and on your own
And far from home
You're never alone, you know
Just think of your friends
The ones who care
They all will be waiting there
With love to share
And your heart will lead you to where you belong
Your heart will lead you home
"Your Heart Will Lead You Home" - Kenny Loggins

CFers-overseas (summer of 2007)

Jer Loo (St Gallens)
Eve Bay (St Gallens)
Mabel (St Gallens)
Daryl (St Gallens)
Claressa (Shanghai)
Eugene Thiang (Virginia)


CFers on Exchange
none as of now...

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Jun's Gallery
The Theologian

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